Emily is an angel on earth, leading with kindness, warmth, and approachability.  I first contacted her because I needed additional support as I was unpacking/exploring aspects of my life that “didn’t make sense” to me in regards to my relationship with myself and my significant other.  Emily is a masterful listener and in her presence I’ve developed a deeper understanding of how seemingly unlinked experiences are connected and contributing to my unrest.  Healing is an ongoing journey and I’m grateful for the insights gained from working with Emily and the progress made towards my heightened awareness and increased inner peace.

I find myself saying, “I’m so much wiser when I’m with you.”  I think this is an important distinction because Emily is a healer that helps clients find their own inner wisdom and healing and she’s a skillful guide who practices with sincere positive intention.

-Karen D.

“I feel that my time spent with Emily has been well worth it and has greatly helped me understand and reduce my anxiety and identify negative thought and behavioral patterns that I’ve carried with me most of my life. I feel like the type of work Emily does is invaluable and can only help contribute to improving my mental, emotional, and physical well-being.”

Clint W.

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[Emily] met me week after week on a level that I’ve never seen before, and I progressed every week to a new level of understanding of myself and my relationship with my wife. I hope that someday she can help my whole family in the way she has already helped me.”

Trevor P.

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“Over the course of several sessions, Emily helped peel back my emotional layers and callouses and led me through a spiritual journey that helped me resolve deep seated current and past life traumas.”

Sophia C.

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“This is the kind of healing that is often difficult to find but when you find it, you have a deep knowing that your life is about to change and expand in wonderful ways!

Rhiannon M.

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